The hot topic always comes to mind when looking at defensive pistols is the trigger. Let’s face it, we all know when you pick up a new pistol to try out, the first thing we do is rack the slide and test out the trigger. But, if you are new to pistols, some of the striker-fired triggers out on the market may be a little confusing when you first try them out, primarily when most of our first references to a trigger revolve around a hunting rifle.
Hunting rifles typically have a Single Stage trigger, designed to operate in one smooth range of motion. It’s simple, and there is usually little to no take-up involved in using single-stage triggers. The problem with a single-stage trigger in a defensive pistol is that it requires the pistol to have an external safety of some sort to allow the pistol to pass drop testing procedures. Also, this tends to allow for more error in the trigger prep process in high-stress situations.
** Trigger prep refers to pulling the trigger up to the point where the resistance builds; this is the point when the trigger is ready to fire the round. This initial section of the trigger pull process is referred to as the “Take-Up” or “Slack” in the trigger.

The G3 series from Taurus uses a Two-Stage trigger system. The Two-Stage trigger is a more common trigger system in defensive pistols on the market. The Two-Stage system allows the gun to utilize a lighter trigger pull and still pass the drop safe procedures, with or without an external safety.
Two-stage triggers have a process that involves two distinct phases of firing. The advantage of this design style is that it allows the user to know precisely when the firing will occur. The first process of the Two-Stage trigger is the “Take-Up”. The Take-Up in Two-Stage triggers usually is quite a bit more when compared to single-stage triggers. Causing trigger snobs who don’t understand defensive trigger systems to complain…This benefit is knowing when the gun will fire, even in high-stress situations. The “Take-Up” is followed by “The Wall” or the Second Stage. Referring to the sudden increase in resistance when the gun is about to release the striker to fire the round. The amount of weight it takes to release the striker is where most pistols on the market fall short, either being too light where the shooter has a strong chance of firing the gun during the prep. Or too heavy, causing the shooting more difficulty when pushing for accuracy.
The G3 trigger system gives you the perfect balance of trigger pull weight for quick and accurate shots while still maintaining a significant amount of safety when needing to hold the trigger at the wall under high-stress situations.
Try out the Taurus G3 family at any local gun store, and remember to get training. You can never learn enough, and spending time on the range with like-minded people working to get better is always fun.