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Shooting a Handgun For the First Time

Shooting a Handgun For the First Time

Shooting a Handgun For the First Time

by Andy Grossman

Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something new is one of the hardest things to do in this crazy thing we call life. Let’s face it, it is so much easier to just do what we always do and stick to what we know. The issue with that is if we always stay within that comfort zone, we as humans never try anything new. I do this myself but like to push past that comfort zone and try something new as much as possible because trying something new creates opportunity.

Somewhere around 15 years ago I decided to step way out of that zone and learned how to shoot a gun. I was never afraid of guns, but I didn’t really grow up with them, so I just didn’t know much about them. I knew if you pushed the little trigger thing a bullet would fly out of the end that had a hole in it and would eventually hit something that was in front of it. I didn’t understand the way all that happened and I definitely didn’t know how to start getting into shooting. Now, fast forward 15 years, and I am a certified NRA Instructor, Range Safety Officer, and I write for a handful of publications on top of running a firearms YouTube channel and social media network called Pew Pew Nation.

By firing those first shots and stepping out of my comfort zone I was able to change my entire life and make me a much safer person. If you are like I was 15 years ago you are probably lost when it comes to starting your journey into guns. I am here to talk you through that first shot.

Now obviously, there is a lot that goes into going to the range for the first time. For the sake of time though, I want to walk you through those first shots once you are there. Don’t forget, emotions are ok, and they are going to be the first thing that comes out and tries to get you to back out of the situation. You will probably be scared, nervous, anxious, and overwhelmed all at once. You will want to laugh, cry, and vomit at the same time and won’t know what to do. This is perfectly normal and honestly is the main reason people back out before they take that first shot.

It is very important that you breathe through all the emotions and take your time. This should be scary to someone who hasn’t done it. You hold a lot of power in your hands when you are shooting. You could kill someone if you do this wrong. The most important thing to remember when fighting through this wave of emotions is to take your finger off the trigger and make sure the gun is always pointed in a safe direction unloaded until you are sure you are ready to take the first shot.

Now, Breathe.

It may sound dumb, but you must breathe through it. Take a few deep breaths in fully and then let them out slowly. Breathing will help calm your nerves and settle down the anxiety. Since you have never shot before you have no idea what to expect and the unknown can be very scary. We have all seen the videos of the idiots handing a 50 caliber Deagle to a 90lb women that has never touched a gun before. She pulls the trigger and the gun flies out of her hands and the idiots all think it is hilarious. Well as a firearms instructor and huge advocate of new shooters and giving everyone an opportunity to get into guns these videos make me furious.

I had a women come to my class that was terrified to fire a gun. She had tried once but unfortunately her husband was one of those idiots that thought it would be funny to hand her the old Desert Eagle and not give her a bit of guidance. She actually cracked herself in the nose with the gun after the first round and ended up with a broken nose. She had never touched a gun since that day but decided to try again but this time with a real instructor that wanted to see her succeed. She listened to me and my partner as we talked her through her fears until she finally squeezed the trigger on the full size 9mm pistol I handed her. To her surprise it wasn’t that bad, and she instantly felt more relaxed.

This is the key to success, make sure you have the proper gun in your hands to be successful. Once you are ready to shoot take that last deep breath and just squeeze the trigger. You will hear the pop of the round going off as the hammer strikes the firing pin and the bullet travels down the barrel and out the end with fire and smoke following it out of the bore. You, yourself will experience the same feeling. All those fears and emotions will travel right down your body, through your hands, and out the end of that barrel.

The hardest thing to do with a gun is to fire that very first round. Proper training will ensure success and with that success you will become a safer individual and open up a new world to you. So, get out and face those fears and fire that first round.

By Andy Grossman

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